Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Camping Party!

Well, I haven't been updating the blog at all...I mostly have just been posting pictures on Facebook. But Lately I have been feeling like I need to get back to my blog updates... So, I'll start off with today's main event (drum roll)... A Camping Party! This was Lucy's request for her 4th birthday. We have never actually been camping with Lucy, but she has heard about it in books. And I suppose we should try it sometime... So, it was just a very small party with 2 of her favorite neighbor buddies: Greta and Olivia, and their families. Also in attendance were my mom and stepdad, Jane and Grady(who brought a huge fruit plate) and my Auntie Deanna, who was a major help with getting ready for the the party. She is a cleaning machine and you can't take no for an answer...we may not have pulled it off without her! I think Lucy had lots of fun and loved being the birthday girl. The girls played in the sand and I read to them (in the tent!) a few of the new books that Grandma Katie and Grandpa Jim sent for Lu's birthday. Oh, and we had a pinata...a homemade kitty pinata.

Here are some pictures:
Mike and Lucy made a fake fire, since it has been dry here and we aren't supposed to have real fires right now.

S'mores cupcakes!!!

Grady with Sally... the sand box is now stocked with amazing sand toys that she got from the Hatalskis and from Julie and Brian's gonna be a fun summer! The girls were making yummy sand food.
Lucy and her buddy Olivia at the "campsite"

Lucy also requested a "kitty" pinata. So we all worked on that, glueing paper over a balloon then figuring out how to make a balloon look like a kitty. I just made it the same way I did last year with strings attached to a trap door, so we didn't have to whack the kitty in the head... everyone just pulls on the count of three.

It started out like this:

Lucy, Greta and Olivia finding pinata treasures.