Sunday, July 31, 2011
100 degrees at Mayview Park
Despite being 100 degrees outside and being pregnant I needed to go on a hike yesterday... In the class I am taking over the next year I have to take a nature walk in the same place once a month. This way I can observe the seasons and get to know one place well enough to see the changes. I really like this idea. I chose Mayview park and nature preserve, because it has a pretty low key 30 minute hike that I think I will even be able to handle when I'm about to have a baby! And it is really pretty and shady. I think it is my favorite place here in Austin and it's just 10 minutes away. And it has peacocks! And the coolest koi ponds with lily pads I've ever seen!
my little garden!
We had a planter that I wanted to change the plants in... there were these lovely horsetail reeds, but they needed lots and lots of water. So I wanted to plant things that weren't so thirsty. My new plants need water every few days, but I only need a watering can rather than hosing the planter for 5 minutes! I am so happy they are doing well...I usually have a black thumb! These plants are pretty hardy! Here are some before and after shots. And a few of Lucy...because she's cute!
Miss Lu... I was forcing her to pose, so I could practice using the digital SLR that we inherited from my dad! I finally got a new battery that holds a charge, so I think I'll use it a lot more now.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Potato Printing
We worked on this project today for a few upcoming birthday presents for Grandparents! It was so fun! Lucy and I really had a good time working on it together...
I got a kit from Lotta Jansdotter (for 50% off!!) that included these carving tools. They can be used for lino block printing too.
Recent Craftiness...
Just thought I'd post some pictures of some of projects Lucy and I have been working on. Lucy has been hand sewing. Her teacher has burlap square with stitching projects at school, so I made her some for at home too. I have also had a sewing bug lately...and I also have been crocheting a bunch!
I bought a pattern on Etsy for this cute little dress and used some fabric that I have had sitting around forever!

Here is the full dress! I think it turned out pretty cute and better yet, Lucy actually wants to wear it all the time since it's comfy!

Late Post for Easter Grass...
I forgot to post these pictures at Easter... but I just saw them and thought I'd still do it.
So, we bought wheat berries in the bulk section at the market and planted them in an easter basket. The story behind it is that the wheat grass is a special treat for the Easter Bunny, so on Easter the bunny nibbles up the grass and leaves eggs and treats in the basket! I was so happy the grass grew!
First you have to soak them (overnight if I remember). Here they are starting to sprout already before we even planted them!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4th of July
We spent the weekend in Georgetown at my mom and Grady's. I think it was Lucy's dream weekend... We went swimming, went on a "deer hunt" (we drive around at dusk looking for deer) and we saw 2 sets of little spotted fawns and a mama, we made peach cobbler, Lucy got to help make lemonade and have a lemonade stand at the kitchen table... but on the actual day of the 4th there was a fair at the georgetown park and there was the most awesome petting zoo! So many baby animals that we were all giddy. Lucy and I got to hold the sweeeeetest little baby goat! There was also a pony ride where Lu got to ride a running horse for the first time and I realy don't think I have ever seen her smile bigger! Then to top the day off we took Lucy to her first fireworks display! Phew, it was an action packed weekend!
Without further adieu... here are the pictures of the cute animals (and us).
Biggest smile ever seen on Lucy, right after running on a horse for the first time!
A girl in her element...
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