Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mother Goose...

Lucy loves Mother Goose rhymes...and has heard them so many times she knows lots of them by heart. Here is Hark, Hark The dogs do bark, the beggars are coming to town. Some in tags and some in rags and some in velvet gown...


Mary Catherine O'Connor said...

awesome! at first I had nooooo idea what she was saying but when you read it along with listening to her it totally makes sense. she's getting to be a really chatty kathy, huh?!

Auntie Deanna said...

I loved hearing Lucy doing "Mother Goose". I hope you post more videos with her talking. She is such a sweetie. Tell her "I Love You" for me. I've got to try skyping before she forgets who I am. Love U All, AD

Julie McNelis said...

she's amazing!!!

Chadlee said...

She has such a cute voice. Why do I not know that rhyme?

littlepuffyclouds said...

my friend Myra gave us this really huge book of Mother Goose rhymes and there are lots that I had never heard before... and it has has great old-timey illustrations...